Singing Guide: Albert Hammond

Singing Guide: Albert Hammond

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Albert Hammond

Albert Hammond is a British singer and songwriter known for his unique blend of pop and rock with touches of country. His vocal technique is characterized by smooth and melodic phrasing, a warm and rich timbre, and effortless high notes. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Albert Hammond, including his distinctive vocal style, signature songs, and practical tips to help you improve your vocal skills.

Style and Technique

One of Albert Hammond's distinctive vocal techniques is his use of a nasal quality in his singing. This technique, also known as "nasal resonance," creates a unique tone that emphasizes the mid-range frequencies in his voice. You can practice this technique by singing with a slight nasality in the mid-range portion of your vocal range.

Another technique employed by Hammond is his use of vocal vibrato to add warmth and depth to his singing. You can replicate his technique by practicing vocal vibrato exercises, such as the ones available on Singing Carrots' Vibrato video like Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce.

Signature Songs

Albert Hammond's career spans several decades, during which he has produced many hits. In this section, we highlight some of his most popular songs with tips on how to sing them:

  • It Never Rains in Southern California - This song features a smooth and easy vocal style, with a catchy melody that's suitable for beginner singers. The song is in the key of G major, so try singing along with the Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor to practice your pitch accuracy.
  • When I Need You - This song showcases Hammond's use of nasal resonance and vibrato to create a warm and rich vocal style. It's in the key of B flat major, and Singing Carrots' Searching for songs by vocal range can help you find songs that match your vocal range and difficulty.
  • The Free Electric Band - This song offers a great opportunity to practice your vocal range, with its soaring high notes that require good breath support. Be sure to practice the breathing and diaphragm exercises available on the Singing Carrots' Breath support video to master the high notes.
  • 99 Miles From L.A. - This song features a relaxed and intimate vocal style, with a gentle melody that's well-suited for developing singers. Try practicing it with Singing Carrots' Warm-up/Practice-starter video Humming.

Practical Tips

To sing like Albert Hammond, try these practical tips:

  • Focus on your mid-range frequencies and practice nasal resonance exercises to bring out your natural tone.
  • Practice vibrato exercises to add warmth and depth to your singing.
  • Utilize Singing Carrots' searching for songs by vocal range feature to find songs matched to your vocal range and practice them regularly.
  • Use Singing Carrots' Pitch accuracy test and Vocal Pitch Monitor to work on your pitch accuracy and monitor your progress.
  • Practice breathing and diaphragm exercises available on Singing Carrots' Breath support video to help improve your breath support and high notes.

In conclusion, singing like Albert Hammond takes practice and dedication. By incorporating the tips and resources outlined in this article, you can develop your own unique singing style and improve your vocal skills. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.